Saltimbocca with Mashed Potatoes - Veal Scaloppini Recipe
Saltimbocca with Mashed Potatoes - Veal Scaloppini
Total time: 15 to 30 minutes

Prep. time: 20 minutes
Cooking time: 8 minutes

Difficulty: Easy
Chef's Note

Original version
A specialty of Roman cuisine, saltimbocca literally means "jumps in the mouth." It consists of thin slices of veal sautéed in butter, covered with thin slices of ham, flavoured with sage and gently braised in white wine.

For 4 children's servings

- 4 small Veal scaloppini, very thinly sliced
- 4 thin slices of Emmenthal
- 4 small thin slices of Parma ham / prosciutto
- 4 large mashing potatoes
- 4 tbsp. butter
- Sunflower oil
- or other vegetable oil
- 1/2 to 1 glass of milk
- Salt and pepper
  1. Cook the potatoes in boiling water; drain them and put them through a food mill. Add the butter and enough milk to obtain the desired consistency. Taste and correct the seasoning.
  2. Place a slice of cheese and ham on top of each piece of veal. Roll the scaloppini up like large cigars, holding them in place with a cocktail toothpick. Brown over medium heat in a skillet in a little oil for about 8 minutes. Turn occasionally, being careful the rolls don't dry out. Season lightly with salt, keeping in mind that the cheese and ham are already salty.
  3. Serve the saltimbocca accompanied by the hot mashed potatoes.

Potato man

  1. Pack the mashed potato into a ramekin or another small flat round dish;
  2. turn it out onto the plate;
  3. design a mouth with 1/3 of a thin cucumber slice; create the eyes and nose from some grilled red pepper or tomato.
  4. You can even add some hair by sticking in a few celery leaves. Be creative!
Saltimbocca with Mashed Potatoes - Veal Scaloppini 1
More recipe ideas

Photo and collaboration: CIV, France

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