Pan Bagnat - Niçois Sandwich Recipe
Pan Bagnat - Niçois Sandwich
Flavors of Nice
Total time: 30 to 60 minutes
Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: Under 30 minutes
Difficulty: Easy
Chef's Note

"What could be more evocative of the good life on the Riviera than pan bagnat - it takes only a minute to make, but is a sophisticated reflection of cuisine of Nice," says the city's mayor Jacques Peyrat. "From spring to fall, it showcases the flavors of fresh vegetables, filled with sunlight and dressed with golden olive oil.

"This healthful meal, easy to enjoy on the water's edge or in the shadow of the arbors, has too often been distorted into a kind of vegetarian sandwich." Here's the "real" recipe:

- Bread
- Tomatoes
- Little green peppers
- Little green onions
- Black olives
- Anchovies or tuna
- Olive oil
- Basil
- Salt and pepper
Other ingredients
- Hard-boiled eggs
- Vinegar
- Artichoke hearts
- Radish
- Onion
- Bread rubbed with garlic
Simply layer tomatoes, peppers, green onions, olives and anchovies and drizzle everything with olive oil. Season with salt, pepper and a few torn up basil leaves to flavor everything.
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