Grilled Tuna with Roasted Pepper and Fennel Sauce Recipe
Grilled Tuna with Roasted Pepper and Fennel Sauce
Flavors of Quebec
Total time: 30 to 60 minutes
Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: About 30 minutes
Difficulty: Easy
Chef's Note
“Penstock” is the name given to the tunnel that conveys water from the dam to a mill’s turbines. It is also the name of the restaurant at Wakefield Mill. Its stone walls, splendid view of the falls and inviting fireplace create the perfect setting to explore the menu’s offerings, which combine both local and exotic flavors.  We even convinced the chef to share this recipe with us…
Ingredients for each serving
- 110-120 g (4 oz.) Tuna
- 4 red peppers
- 1 fennel bulb, diced
- 65 ml (1/4 cup) white wine
- 125 ml (1/2 cup) water
- 1 clove of garlic, crushed
- 1 French shallot, minced
- Salt and pepper

Making the sauce

  1. Grill the red peppers until the skin blackens.
  2. Place the pepper in an airtight container for about 10 minutes, until the skin comes off easily. Remove the skin and seeds and chop the flesh coarsely. 
  3. In a skillet, sauté the garlic, shallot and fennel in a little oil until the shallot becomes transparent. 
  4. Deglaze the pan with the white wine; add the water; add the peppers and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes.
  5. Purée the sauce in a food processor; return to the heat, simmer a few minutes longer and season to taste.

Preparing the tuna

  1. Season the tuna with salt and pepper; grill each side briefly on a grill or in a non-stick pan. 
  2. Serve the dish with vegetables of your choice.
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