Grains "Pasta Genovese" Style Recipe
Grains "Pasta Genovese" Style
Total time: 30 to 60 minutes

Preparation time: 30 minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes

Difficulty: Easy
Chef's Note

*Tipiak's gourmet grains contain wheat, barley, wheat and soy flakes. They are sold in France, the UK and some other countries. You can replace the mixture with couscous, bulgur or short--grain rice.

Serve this dish with coppa or slices of dried tomato.

Our intake of carbohydrates should represent at least 50% of our daily diet. Eating a variety of grains, a source of carbohydrates, contributes to the balance of each meal.

For 4 servings

- 60 g (2 oz.) basil leaves
- 2 nice cloves of garlic
- 2 Tbsp. pinenuts + more for garnish
- 60 g (2 oz.) parmesan
- 100 ml (6 Tbsp.) olive oil
- salt and pepper
- 200 g (7 oz.) Tipiak gourmet grains or bulgur
- 200 g (7 oz.) chanterelles or other wild mushrooms
  1. In an ungreased skillet, heat the chanterelles after cleaning them well.
  2. Prepare the pesto: wash and dry the basil and remove the stems. Peel and crush the garlic.
  3. In a mortar, grind the basil leaves with a little salt. Add some pepper, the garlic and pinenuts. With the pestle, work everything into a smooth paste.
  4. Incorporate the cheese and oil very gradually. Stir until the pesto is creamy and smooth.
  5. Meanwhile, prepare the grains or bulgur according to package directions.
  6. Add a few spoonfuls of pesto to the grains with the sautéed chanterelles. Sprinkle with pinenuts.

Italian wine suggestion:
Vermentino from Liguria (white) 

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