Pizza-inspired focaccia with French Shallots Recipe
Pizza-inspired focaccia with French Shallots
Flavors of France

Prep. time: 10 minutes
Rising time: 2 hours
Cooking time: 25 to 30 minutes

Difficulty: Average
Chef's Note

Are you in the mood for a meal that’s easy, tasty and shows off French shallots in all their delicate, aromatic glory? Try this Focaccia.

Pro tip: If you’re in a rush, try getting a focaccia from your local supermarket and skip straight to the topping.

For 2 focaccia

For the dough:
- 250 g / 2 cups of flour
- 185 ml / ¾ cup + 2 Tbsp. of water
- 1 packet of baker’s yeast
- 4 Tbsp. of olive oil
- 1 Tsp. of oregano
- A pinch of salt

For the topping:
- 1-1/2 Tbsp. of sugar
- 1 Tbsp. of vinegar
- 185 ml / ¾ cup of sour cream
- 1 bunch of chives
- Salt, pepper, olive oil

 Follow the recipe step-by-step:

Pizza-inspired focaccia with French Shallots 1

Dissolve the baker’s yeast in a bit of warm water.

Combine the ingredients for the dough and work until it becomes a stretchy and uniform ball.

Cover and let rise at room temperature for 2 hours.

Pizza-inspired focaccia with French Shallots 2

Divide the dough evenly into 2 portions, place on a lined baking sheet and stretch them out to the appropriate thickness.

Use your fingers to make deep dimples all over the dough. Set aside.

Preheat oven to 200°C / 400°F.

Pizza-inspired focaccia with French Shallots 3

Peel the shallots and slice into rings.

In a frying pan, sauté them with a bit of olive oil until golden.

Add the sugar and leave to caramelize.

Deglaze with vinegar, stir and leave on the heat until completely evaporated.

Pizza-inspired focaccia with French Shallots 4

Finely chop the chives and add to the sour cream. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Spread the mixture over the two focaccia and top with the caramelized shallots.

Bake for 20 to 25 minutes.

Pizza-inspired focaccia with French Shallots 5
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