Bugnes - Doughnuts from Lyon Recipe
Bugnes - Doughnuts from Lyon
Flavors of Lyon
Total time: more than 2 hours

Prep. time: 15 minutes
Resting time: 3 hours for the dough
Cooking time: A few minutes

Difficulty: Easy
Chef's Note

This is a Mardi Gras classic in France, a delicious doughnut-like pastry sprinkled with icing sugar that dates back to the Middle Ages. Hot "bugnes" were once sold to travelers along the road between Dijon and Arles.

For about 12 pastries

- 500 g (18 oz.) all-purpose flour
- 2 tbsp. olive oil
- 2 tbsp. sugar
- A pinch of salt
- 3 beaten eggs
- 1 tsp. cognac
- 125 ml (1/2 cup) cream
- Icing sugar
  1. Combine the flour, salt and eggs;
  2. dissolve the sugar in the warm cream and add to the dough, stirring continually; add the oil and mix until you have a smooth dough; let rest at least 2 hours;
  3. roll out the dough on a floured work surface; cut the dough into rectangles about 8 x 12 cm (3 x 5") and drop each rectangle into hot frying oil;
  4. remove when nicely browned; drain on paper towels; sprinkle with icing sugar.
Bugnes - Doughnuts from Lyon 1
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